“Penelope Teaches Times Tables” App Available Now!
Your child can learn multiplication in a fun, positive, engaging way right now on iPhones, iPads, and Android devices
I have dreamed of this moment for years! An app I envisioned, inspired by my daughter, is now available! As of December 4, 2024, the app is ready for download here:
Of course I would love to make some dollars. But, most importantly, I am hoping to get some emails from parents telling me their child learned some super useful math skills using “Penelope Teaches Times Tables.” That is something you can’t put a price on.
If you are a professional educator I have a write-up tailor-made for you!
See: Educators! My App is a Great Tool for Learning Multiplication Facts
For Everyone Else
Please, please, please spread the word. For now I am making the app only $2 with the hope of getting a bunch of people to try it out and give it a good review. That price will increase soon. Possibly after Christmas.
Would you pay $2 to help your child, or your niece or nephew, or someone you know in elementary school, learn some math?
This app was inspired by my real-life daughter, and this app works! Here is a video of the real life Penelope showing her skills:
Penelope Proves She Knows 13s (Youtube short)
Here is the origin story of this app:
Penelope Teaches Me How To Do the Math (Medium.com)
Here are the 77 people that backed this thing:
Here is a story about some of the cats in the app:
I Made A Game About Cats (Medium.com)
Yes, I made a game about cats. I made a game about math. I made a game inspired by my daughter. I made a game that is filled with positive messaging and good vibes, that is slow-paced, ad-free, and guaranteed to help users improve their math skills.
Please help me make this thing a success by spreading the word.
Thanks for your interest! 🚀
You can really help me and my little app out by:
- clapping and following me ️👏
- visiting: www.penelopeteaches.com 🌐